Reglas del Juego
NOTA: Si perteneces o perteneciste a Liga MX en caso de ser mujer o Liga profesional en caso de ser hombre, no podras formar parte del selectivo final en cada uno de los estados participantes,
"De la Calle a la Cancha con Telmex Telcel"
-Hombre o mujeres de por lo menos 15 años
-Que este o haya estado sin hogar (en situación calle) y/o
-Que este actualmente en uso o rehabilitación por drogas o de alcohol y/o
-Que se encuentre en situación de extrema pobreza
-Que se encuentre en situación vulnerable.
Los equipos estarán conformados por un máximo de 8 jugadores, de sexo masculino, femenino o mixto.
Solo 4 jugadores por equipo estarán a un mismo tiempo en la cancha:
-3 atacantes/defensores
-1 portero
El resto del equipo serán jugadores substitutos
Los jugadores substitutos pueden entrar o salir de la cancha sin esperar ninguna indicación del árbitro, siempre y cuando no haya más de 4 jugadores por equipo en la cancha.
Duración de los partidos:
Dos mitades de 7 minutos cada una, con un intervalo de 1 minutos entre ellas.
El encuentro comienza cuando el árbitro lanza el balón en la cancha. Cuando se anota un gol, el equipo que lo recibió tiene el balón y es el portero quien lo pone nuevamente en juego, inmediatamente después que los árbitros silben.
Reglas del Portero:
-Un portero no debe anotar goles
-El portero no debe salir del área marcada (semicírculo)
-El portero no debe retener el balón para "hacer tiempo."
-Se aplica la regla del pase atrás. Si un portero toma la bola con sus manos después de recibir un pase atrás de un compañero de equipo, conceden al otro equipo la posesión del balón a media cancha.
Reglas para el área del portero:
Los jugadores del campo no deben entrar en el área del portero. Esta regla se aplica a todos los jugadores tanto atacantes como defensores.
Si un jugador del equipo se defiende entra en el área del portero, el otro equipo cobrara un penalti (shoot-out). Si un jugador del equipo que ataca entra en el área del portero, el otro equipo recibe posesión del balón.
Un jugador siempre en media opuesta:
Por lo menos un jugador del equipo defensor debe permanecer en la mitad opuesta de la cancha.
Se le marcara falta al equipo que tenga a los tres jugadores defendiendo a su propia mitad. Cobrando de media cancha tiro indirecto.
Jugar Haciendo Tiempo:
El árbitro puede conceder una falta contra un equipo que esté haciendo tiempo de manera deliberada, siempre y cuando lo haya advertido antes de su conducta.
Tiros de Penalti (shoot-out)
Un tiro de penalti para el equipo opositor se da cuando:
-Un jugador del equipo que defiende entra en el área del portero.
-Un equipo da pase hacia atrás tres veces seguidas, directamente a su portero con la intención de perder tiempo (sin que un jugador del equipo opuesto toque el balón)
-El portero retiene el balón más tiempo de lo necesario en su área ("haciendo tiempo").
-Se comete una falta grave delante del área de la portería.
Un shoot-out se debe tirar hacia la portería. Si el balón se mueve en sentido opuesto al de la portería se pierde la oportunidad.
Reglas para los tiros libres y balones fuera de la cancha:
Tiros indirectos.
Todos los tiros son indirectos. Todos los jugadores del equipo contrario deben estar a un mínimo de 2 metros de distancia del balón siempre y cuando se tenga espacio.
El árbitro concede tiro indirecto por:
Toda falta en el Campo se hace acreedora a tiro indirecto, a excepción de aquellas faltas que por su rudeza o mala intención se consideren acreedoras a un penalti.
Si un jugador se detiene del borde del perímetro con ambas manos.
Balones fuera de la cancha:
Si un balón sale de la cancha, se regresara rodando dentro de la cancha con la mano a nivel del suelo, en el punto donde salió del campo de juego. Todos los jugadores del equipo contrario deben estar a un mínimo de 2 metros de distancia.
En caso de juego sucio el árbitro puede juzgar como sigue:
Tarjeta azul (exclusión del juego dos minutos): al jugador al que se le aplique estará suspendido del encuentro por dos minutos, durante ese lapso el equipo tiene que jugar con un jugador menos. Pasados los dos minutos y a indicación del árbitro, otro jugador podrá ingresar a la cancha de juego en sustitución del que salió. El jugador que obtuvo la tarjeta azul quedará inhabilitado para ingresar al partido.
Tarjeta Roja (expulsión): Por una falta severa se expulsara al jugador el resto del partido. El equipo tiene que jugar con un jugador menos el resto del encuentro. Una tarjeta roja será dada solamente por un juego sucio severo, por conducta violenta o abuso al árbitro. Esta se aplicara igual a los entrenadores. Las sanciones pueden incluir la suspensión de los juegos futuros.
Exclusión del torneo para un equipo:
Si las reglas se irrespetan seriamente (juego sucio persistente, juego sucio con intención, comportamiento inaceptable en la cancha hacia los árbitros, las audiencias u otros jugadores, un jugador o un equipo puede ser excluido del torneo. Si excluyen a un equipo entero en el torneo entonces todos los partidos jugados o programados para ser jugados por ese equipo serán concedidos a la oposición con un marcador de 0 a 3.
Juego Limpio:
El juego limpio y amistoso será impulsado a través del torneo.
Cada encuentro tendrá tres árbitros(SIEMPRE Y CUANDO EXISTA LA POSIBILIDAD DE TENERLOS). Se colocaran un árbitro en cada extremo de la cancha de juego. El árbitro principal se encontrara dentro de la cancha y será libre de moverse en ella como mejor considere.
Proporciones de la Cancha
-Tamaño de la Cancha: 22 metros (largo) x 16 metros (ancho)
-Tamaño de la meta: (4 metros (ancho) x 1.50 metros (alto)
-Área del portero: Semicírculo con un radio de 4 metros.
-Altura del Perímetro: 1.30 metros
-Lugar para los jugadores: 2 bancos para los jugadores en los lados largos de la cancha
-Entrada para los jugadores: 2 entradas separadas en uno de los lados largos de la cancha.
-Tamaño de balón: Normal #5
English Translation
(1) Players
Mandatory criteria
- Male or female and at least 16 years old (must have turned 16 before 01.09.2010)
- Have not taken part in previous Homeless World Cup tournaments
Players must meet at least one of the following criteria
- Have been homeless at some point after 01.09.2009, in accordance with the national definition of homelessness
- Make their main living income as street paper vendor
- Asylum seekers currently without positive asylum status or who were previously asylum seekers but obtained residency status after 01.09.2009. Only 2 members of a team may have non national passports. All other players must have a national passport of the nation they are representing.
- Currently in drug or alcohol rehabilitation and also have been homeless at some point in the past two years (post 01.09.2008)
(2) Teams
Teams can be all male, all female or mixed consisting of 8 players in total. All teams are required to bring a full team of 8 players to the tournament.
Maximum of 4 players per team on the court:
- 3 outfield players
- 1 goalkeeper
- plus 4 substitute players ('flying' or 'rolling' substitutions apply)
As an inclusive tournament it is expected that each player will play a reasonable amount of time each day. If teams are found not giving players this opportunity they will be warned. If teams persist in not using the full squad of 8 players they will be penalised accordingly at the discretion of the Sports Committee
For a team to participate it is compulsory to register, bring and play a full squad of 8 players. A reserve team is no longer available. Any team arriving at the tournament with less than a full squad, due to exceptional circumstances, will be allocated an inexperienced local homeless person. This player will be required to play as part of the squad with an equal share of playing time.
(3) Duration of Matches
Two halves of 7 minutes each plus one minute interval in between each half
(4) Start
The match starts when the referee throws the ball into the court. When a goal is scored, the team that has conceded the goal receives the ball and the goalkeeper is allowed to bring the ball back into play immediately after the referees' whistle.
(5) Goalkeeper Rules
A goalkeeper must not score goals
The goalkeeper must not leave the penalty area
The goalkeeper must not hold the ball longer than necessary in his penalty area ("playing for time")
The goalkeeper must distribute the ball from his hands underarm (below shoulder height). If the goalkeeper does not distribute the ball underarm a free kick will be awarded to the other team at the half way line.
A pass back rule applies. If a goalkeeper picks the ball up with his hands after receiving a pass back from a team mate the other team is awarded a penalty
(6) Rules for Penalty Area
Outfield players must not enter the penalty area. This rule applies to both attacing and defending players ("fishing for the ball" is not allowed)
If a player from the defending team enters the penalty area, the other team receives a penalty.
If a player from the attacking team enters the penalty area, the other team receives a free kick
(7) One Player always in Opposition Half
At least one player must remain in the opposition half of play. A foul will be awarded against a team where the whole team is in its own half.
If a player in a team receives a blue card then while the team is a player or more down this rule will not apply. Similarly, this rule will not apply if a player in a team receives a red card
(8) Time-wasting
The referee can award a penalty against a team which is persistently time-wasting after the team has been first warned about its conduct.
(9) Penalty Kicks
A penalty for the opposing team is given when:
A player from the defending team enters the penalty area
A team passes back three times in a row directly to their own goalkeeper with the intention of time wasting (without a player from the opposing team having had the chance to touch the ball)
If the goalkeeper holds the ball longer than necessary in his penalty area ("playing for time")
If the goalkeeper picks up the ball with his hands when he receives a back pass from a player on his own team
Due to foul play in front of the goal area
A penalty kick must be taken towards the goal. If the ball moves backwards from the goal the penalty is lost.
(10) Rules for Free Kicks and Out Balls
- Free Kicks
All free kicks are indirect. All players of the opposing team must be a minimum of 2 metres from the ball when a free kick is being taken.
The referee awards a free kick for:
All fouls on the field except for any offence, which is seen as a "penalty offence"
If a player seeks to gain an advantage by holding the perimeter board with both hands
- Out Balls
If a ball goes out of play over the board the ball must be rolled in by hand at ground level at the position where the ball went out of the field of play. All players of the opposing team must be a minimum of 2 metres from the ball at the roll-in point
If a ball goes out of play on behind the goal:
By the attacking team: the goalkeeper receives the ball and kicks or throws the ball back in
By the defending team: The attacking team receives a corner and rolls the ball in by hand at ground level. All players of the opposing team must be a minimum of 2 metres from the roll-in corner
(11) Fouls
In the event of a foul or unfair play the referee may judge as follows:
Blue card (two minutes time exclusion): For foul play a player will be excluded from the match for two minutes during which time the team has to play with one less player.
A player given a blue card will be sent off for two minutes and not allowed back on. After two minutes have elapsed the player given the blue card will be replaced by another player from the team.
Red card (match penalty): for serious foul play a player is excluded from the rest of the match. The team has to play with one less player for the remainder of the match.
A red card will only be given for serious foul play, violent conduct or abuse of the referee. The player will be sent off immediately and not be allowed back during the game.
No replacement player will be allowed on. The same applies to coaches. Each evening the disciplinary committee will meet and decide what action to take against the player or coach. Sanctions include suspension from future games.
Exclusion from the tournament for a team:
If rules are seriously breached (heavy foul play, foul play on purpose, unacceptable behaviour on the court towards the referees, the audience or other players), one player or a team can be excluded from the tournament. If a whole team is excluded from the tournament then all the matches played or scheduled to be played by that team will be awarded to the opposition with a 0:3 score line
(12) Tournament Points
The winning team receives 3 points. The losing team zero. If a match ends in a draw, it is decided by a sudden-death penalty shoot out until one team has a one goal lead after both teams have taken the same number of penalty kicks.
In matches decided by a penalty shoot out the winning team gets two points and the losing team gets one point.
(13) Group Stage Rankings
In group stages rankings are decided by:
First, number of Points
Second, in the event that the teams have the same number of points at the end of the section or group stage, the team with the least number of blue cards or red cards will progress.
Third, If they have the same number of cards then progress will be decided on the head to head results between the two teams
Goal difference will only be used between the teams that cannot be separated using the above criteria
Therefore it should be noted that high scores and/or Goal difference do not contribute to deciding on placings unless more than 2 teams are tied in position and thus will only include the score between these teams
(14) Fair Play
Fair Play will be encouraged throughout the tournament. There will be a trophy for Fair Play.
Three coaches will be awarded fair play awards for the way they support, encourage and induce their teams into the genuine spirit of football, sport and fair play.
(15) Referees
Each match will have three referees. Two referees will be positioned at either end of the playing court. The senior referee will be free to move around as he or she sees fit.
(17) Homeless World Cup Court Proportions
Size of court: 22 (long) x 16 (wide) meters
Goal size: 4 m wide x 1.30m height, depth approx. 1 m
Penalty area: half circle with 4m radius
Height of boards: 1.10m
Net: behind both goal-sides is a net which is 3m in height
Place for players: 2 players benches at the long side of court
Entrance for players: 2 separate entrances at the long side
Size of ball: Size 5